Innate Design, Human Body

The Human Body, and Innate Design

After millions of years of evolution, the human body is of amazing design and complexity, something we take for granted. Scientist are discovering new things about the human body, all the time. For example: Leptin, the fat storage hormone, is relatively recent discovery. With that said, if we were a failed evolution product, we would have gone extinct long ago. Thus, the ailments we are coming down with, must be a by product of modern lifestyle. For example, the use of automobiles are relatively new invention, compared with how long are ancestors were without it. Before the automobiles, our ancestors were using animals for transportation, but before that, they we doing more walking, with more physical labor. Thus, some of our ailments, might be the by product of not having enough physical activity.

The human body must obey laws of chemistry to stay healthy. I call this “innate intelligence.” Natural pathetic healers try to follow that “innate intelligent” design. For example, our bodies are electric powered. Thus, we all have capacity to store, and make electrical power, we all have internal batteries. Our primary chemical used to store electrical energy is sulfur. If there isn’t enough sulfur, the human body has backup chemicals to store electrical energy. Carbon is the molecule of last resort, at that point, you are very sick, and dying, but you will still be a live. The human body will follow a certain, innate intelligent order of chemicals for energy storage.

With that said…The best weapon against disease is the human body’s own immune system, its “innate intelligence.” Human beings have circumvented million years of evolutionary perfection, and disrupted the body’s “innate intelligence” by living the modern lifestyle. This includes, the use of cars, chemical pollution, air pollution, EMF radiation, food preservatives, synthetic carpets, antibiotics, herbicides, etc. The possible causes of modern diseases are endless. For example, the use of hormones injected into chickens, humans eat the chickens, and now, some young girls developing breast very early in life. No wonder why modern humans are dying younger, and younger, each generation. In a sense, we are poisoning ourselves.

If we keep violating the body’s innate intelligent design, human beings could go the way of other extinct, failed life forms. I think that the process of extinct is already underway.

Stop Embalming Yourself- Say “No” to Preservatives!

Meat with Preservatives

Wanna get sick? Take a walk into the unknown… foods with artificial preservatives. Here’s some foods with dangerous preservatives; pepperoni, ham, pork breakfast sausage, etc. I do miss eating breakfast at McDonald’s, but the preservatives in the breakfast meats?? Kind of scares me.

I use to eat meats with preservatives, but for the past two years, I haven’t touched it. I adopted a whole foods, organic vegan diet, instead. I think of preservatives as embalming fluid, you know the kind of stuff they use on dead people at the funeral home. I think that preservatives are toxic in the long run, the stuff won’t kill you over night, but years down the road….cancer?, diabetes?, and who knows what else? Plus, you consume the hormones and antibiotics that were injected into the animal before being preserved.

I think its better to eat fresh meat, instead. Organically farmed meat would be nice. But I think its better not to eat meat at all. Get your proteins from organic beans, and nuts.

I equate preservatives with big corporate interests (the richest, top one percent). The reason, shelf life of the product they produce. It wouldn’t be economical to produce products they can’t mass produce, and ship to markets far from their origin. For example, bread. I think that good bread needs to be produced daily, on site. Store breads are pumped with tons of preservatives to extend shelf life. Another example, milk. Milk needs pasteurization to extend shelf life. People can drink unpasteurized milk, but it most likely needs to be produced daily by local udders.

Since I’ve adopted an organic diet, its really hard for me to shop anywhere. For example, I can’t eat 99 percent of the food at Costco, Safeway, or any other conventional store. Why????? Non-organic, conventional foods, preservative laden junk, cooked dead foods, agriculture chemicals, etc. That includes foods boxed as “organic.” Even foods label “FDA Organic”, I don’t trust. With FDA label, I wonder: “to what degree is the product organic?” The FDA is froth with big corporate tampering of definitions.

Bottom line…don’t eat meats, or any foods with artificial preservatives. No wonder why Americans are becoming sick, not only are we ingesting farm chemicals like Roundup, and other herbicides, along with preservatives. America’s food supply is loaded with crap! Crap in Crap out. Toxic chemicals go into the body, who know the out come? Time for Americans to grow their own foods, like the Cubans. Cubans in Havana, are eating better, even with the trade embargo, and yet Americans complain about lack of money. Do your own research, watch some videos about “Cuban Organic Gardens” on

Eat well, exercise, and prosper.

Eric K. Oshiro, Beaverton, Oregon

Thanks, Dr. Mercola. Ways to control type two diabetes without drugs.

An Open Letter of Thanks to Dr. Joe Mercola
re: video about controlling type 2 diabetes

First, I am a loyal fan of Dr. Mercola. He is a doctor, who cares about helping people heal. He gets right to the “root cause” of the ailment. Most conventional doctors want you to pop pills, these pills usually cover up, or mask the symtoms. Conventional drugs don’t cure anything, I think they may cause serious problems later.

Link to Dr. Mercola’s youtube video:

I am fed up with my own doctor. I had a recent checkup, and she said “your cholesterol level is perfect, but I would like to you start taking Lipitor, just in case it goes up.” I am 52 years old, and I have never had a history of high cholesterol my whole life. I don’t even take aspirin for a headache, why would I take Lipitor? Clearly, my doctor is being told to push drugs, to make money!

The best medicine, or cure of sickness is usually something for free, or low cost. Big drug companies don’t want to hear that kind of talk.

Dr. Mercola, suggested to control type 2-diabetes, you need to stop eating breads, dried fruits, fruits, pasta, rice, other sugar-high glycemic index laden foods. Also, increase exercise, and intake of certain fats, increase vitamin “D” by exposing skin to sunlight, and intake some protein. I started a long distance (8 miles) walking routine, I ate walnuts (almost zero on the glycemic index. Low in sugar, and contains some protein), increased intake of green leafy veggies, and started drinking filtered water. Excluding the simple sugars from my diet, helped my body to become sensitive to insulin again. My body was starting recognize fat as a fuel, instead of getting high on simple sugars, and then crashing on insulin surge.

The lifestyle change has dramatically lowered my blood sugar, and I don’t feel hungry or deprived. I feel that my immune system is getting stronger everyday, and my eye sight is getting sharper. In fact, I haven’t felt this good in 40 years. I won’t give up this lifestyle. Your health is worth everything. Remember: Steve Jobs-Apple corporation, died. He was a Billionaire, but he couldn’t buy a cure to save his life.

Do you own research on health and fitness. Do a lifestyle change, don’t wait until your sick. Do your own preventive measures, today.

Once again, thank you Doctor Joe Mercola.

exercise, and eat right, control type two diabetes

Eat Right, Exercise, and Maximize Your Health

Eating right, and Exercise

My theory: You must eat the proper foods, and exercise, to reach optimum health. On the other hand, if you eat poorly, you might be nullifying the healthy affects of exercise.

A few years ago, I was doing more exercise than ever. However, my diet wasn’t so good. I had a high intake of sugar from various foods like; peanut butter, jams, granola bars, and dried fruits. My blood sugar was spiking very high.

Today, I exercise less, but I eat a low sugar diet, and now, my weight is down, and so is my blood sugar. Thus, eat less sugary foods. This also includes avoiding foods containing high fructose corn syrup. For example, avoid: bread, ice cream, canned soda, cookies, candy, granola bars, etc. Please read the nutrition labels on packaged foods. Over all, its better not to eat packaged, and highly processed foods.

It is better to eat foods like; organic vegetables, fruits, seeds, mushrooms, and nuts. Also, include fermented soy bean products like Natto or Miso, sour kraut, yogurt, etc. Avoid conventional yogurts, many contain high amounts of sugar. Consider making your own sour kraut and yogurt at home. There are plenty of videos on teaching people how to do it. Unpasteurized foods contain probiotic bacteria that are beneficial to the body’s digestive system.

Vegetables like Kale, are low calore, but are dense in nutrition. Plus, Kale is very low in sugar, and thus, its low on the glycemic index, no spike in blood sugar. Also, green leafy vegetables like Kale, help to make the blood more alkaline. Less acidic blood PH is associated with good health.

There are four kinds of foods; Fat, Sugar, Protein, and artificial-man made ingredients. Most Americans, intend to eat meals full of sugar, or high fructose corn syrup. In a conventional store, high fructose corn syrup its found in almost every product. Try to avoid artificial-synthetic ingredients. Examples of artificial ingredients; MSG (monosodium Glutemate), Nutra-Sweet, Preservatives, etc. Also, watch out for packaged foods claiming to be “Low Fat.” Food manufacturers remove the fat, but replace it with sugar.

Try to eat organic raw vegetables, nuts, and fruits, for maximum food value. Minimum processing helps to preserve the vitamins, and nutrients in the food. Also, try juicing, or blending foods, try to increase the amount of vegetables, and fruits in your daily diet.

So, eat well, exercise, and prosper.

Eat well, exercise daily, and prosper