Thanks, Dr. Mercola. Ways to control type two diabetes without drugs.

An Open Letter of Thanks to Dr. Joe Mercola
re: video about controlling type 2 diabetes

First, I am a loyal fan of Dr. Mercola. He is a doctor, who cares about helping people heal. He gets right to the “root cause” of the ailment. Most conventional doctors want you to pop pills, these pills usually cover up, or mask the symtoms. Conventional drugs don’t cure anything, I think they may cause serious problems later.

Link to Dr. Mercola’s youtube video:

I am fed up with my own doctor. I had a recent checkup, and she said “your cholesterol level is perfect, but I would like to you start taking Lipitor, just in case it goes up.” I am 52 years old, and I have never had a history of high cholesterol my whole life. I don’t even take aspirin for a headache, why would I take Lipitor? Clearly, my doctor is being told to push drugs, to make money!

The best medicine, or cure of sickness is usually something for free, or low cost. Big drug companies don’t want to hear that kind of talk.

Dr. Mercola, suggested to control type 2-diabetes, you need to stop eating breads, dried fruits, fruits, pasta, rice, other sugar-high glycemic index laden foods. Also, increase exercise, and intake of certain fats, increase vitamin “D” by exposing skin to sunlight, and intake some protein. I started a long distance (8 miles) walking routine, I ate walnuts (almost zero on the glycemic index. Low in sugar, and contains some protein), increased intake of green leafy veggies, and started drinking filtered water. Excluding the simple sugars from my diet, helped my body to become sensitive to insulin again. My body was starting recognize fat as a fuel, instead of getting high on simple sugars, and then crashing on insulin surge.

The lifestyle change has dramatically lowered my blood sugar, and I don’t feel hungry or deprived. I feel that my immune system is getting stronger everyday, and my eye sight is getting sharper. In fact, I haven’t felt this good in 40 years. I won’t give up this lifestyle. Your health is worth everything. Remember: Steve Jobs-Apple corporation, died. He was a Billionaire, but he couldn’t buy a cure to save his life.

Do you own research on health and fitness. Do a lifestyle change, don’t wait until your sick. Do your own preventive measures, today.

Once again, thank you Doctor Joe Mercola.

exercise, and eat right, control type two diabetes